Tissue Culture Plate Test
The disposal molecular to the cell culture materials
官能基团主要有:多数-CH3, -OH, 和少量-COOH.
The group of the molecular: -CH3, -OH,
qiaofu company 96 well plate blank average value:0.32 (570nm)
Abroad high quality 96 well plate blank average value:0.30 (570nm)
Tissue Culture Plate ultraviolet absorbent
总评: Conclusion
qiaofu 公司产品与国外著名品牌产品相比:
The quality of qiaofu company plate compared with the abroad famous high quality plate:
They are similar to each other in the shape, the quality of the cell adhere to the plate, the quality of optics and other sides. They can be substituted for each other.
qiaofu 产品可培养多种细胞如:
qiaofu products can culture the following cells etc.:
RAW 264 单核巨噬细胞 , 3T3 胚胎成纤维细胞 , CHO 中国仓鼠卵巢细胞 ,COS-7 SV40 转化的非洲绿猴肾 ,MCF7
乳腺癌 ,C6 胶质瘤 ,HeLa 宫颈癌 ,PC-12 肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤等细胞。